how to use wp-cli

There is a commandline version of the admin tools, called wp-cli, that you can install. However it does not let you run as "root", you have to turn into the web user to run it.

Instruction manual here:

Here are some example commands:

Force a theme update:

sudo -u www-data -i -- wp theme update theme_name --path="/var/www/html/"

Install a plugin (force update):

sudo -u www-data -i -- wp  plugin install akismet --force --path="/var/www/html/"

Bulk install plugins:

cd /var/www/html/wp-content/

for i in `/bin/ls plugins` ; do (  sudo -u www-data -i -- wp  plugin install $i  --force --path="/var/www/html/" ) ; done

Bulk enable or disable plugins:

cd /var/www/html/wp-content/

for i in `/bin/ls plugins` ; do (  sudo -u www-data -i -- wp  plugin toggle $i  --force --path="/var/www/html/" ) ; done

Reinstall the entire site:

sudo -u www-data -i -- wp core download --skip-content --force

sudo -u www-data -i -- wp core update-db --path="/var/www/html"

sudo -u www-data -i -- wp core update --version=x.x --force

note you can leave out the --version and it will go to the latest.

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